Olivia Mallory photographing a quadrat for plastic pollution at the storm line


Happy Fabulous-January Travel Friends 

Making travel dreams come true is one of my life’s passions. I value the relationships my profession gifts me. My relationship with you and with my industry colleagues.   

Behind the scenes of your travels, a lot goes on. Here’s a glimpse -

Throughout any given day, on your behalf, I speak with travel suppliers by phone and frequent email exchanges. Together we work on your file, over the course of 6 to 18+ months. There are some individuals I've worked with for several years - some industry colleagues for a decade or two! We've met at Conferences and some suppliers travel to the Kootenays for in-person meetings with Mountain City Travel (that’s me 😊). We have the pleasure of learning about each other's interests and families . . . and of course, our common passion: Travel! 

I feel fortunate that my chosen profession is within an industry where relationships AND responsibility matter.  

Responsible travel companies have an ethical conscious and authentically care about the health of planet Earth.

Today I received an email from Adventure Canada – a Canadian Expedition travel company whose guiding principle is, “To help every traveller become an enthusiastic ambassador for the regions and the cultures they visit.”

I am proud to work with the fine humans at Adventure Canada and wish to share the following email. I hope you will also share this with your circle of family and friends.        

It is an amazing opportunity!  

* * * * 

Dear Diane

We are excited to announce that applications for Adventure Canada’s 2025 Researcher-in-Residence Program are now open! 

If you or someone you know is passionate about exploration, research, and contributing to the preservation of our remarkable environments, this is an incredible opportunity not to be missed. 

Adventure Canada strives to engage, inspire, and educate by connecting people to the land and to each other through field science and innovative travel experiences. We believe that spreading knowledge and understanding of the areas to which we travel will enable better protection of these areas and inspire the public to take an actionable interest in them. 

As a Researcher-in-Residence, you will have the opportunity to observe and interact with the communities and landscapes we visit. We welcome projects ranging from a scientific focus to social science and the arts. The parameters of the project are flexible and can include a one-time small-scale project or an exploratory stepping stone for a larger project. Priority will be given to projects that align with the United Nations Goals for Sustainable Development

To learn more about the program or to submit an application, please click here.  

The deadline for applications is February 28, 2025. 

Researcher-in-Residence Nathaniel Holloway collecting onshore sediment samples to support the Inuit Qaujisarnirmut Pilirijjutit on Arctic Shipping Risks (IQP-ASR) project.  

Click here to learn more or submit an application