As the gateway to a New Year is upon us, I pause to reflect and take a look back. 2024 was brimming with incredible journeys!

Mountain City Travellers have –

Gone on safari witnessing the planet’s wild, incredible animal kingdom, have been swept away by world-class performances in historic concert halls, swum with sassy sea lions in Charles Darwin’s classroom, and celebrated life’s milestones in the warm South Pacific breezes.

You’ve explored the Land of the Rising Sun, slept under the stars of the Sahara, pedaled scenic Mediterranean-island routes and Dutch take-your-life-in-your-hands cobbled streets. Lucky you, watching an iceberg roll-over in Canada’s easternmost island!

You’ve shared your stories of stunning northern fjords, the pristine grace of the 7th Continent AND your brave leap into frigid polar waters. You have definitely earned lifetime bragging rights. 😊

While writing this, you are closing 2024 and quite literally sailing into 2025. Enjoy the world's magnificent wonders as you cruise Around-The-World! WOW!  

What an amazing year you’re having and have had! 

When you look back and pause, may the sweet memories of your 2024 adventures bring a smile to your heart.  

It is my privilege to have been chosen as your Travel Professional. Lucky me, to be entrusted to curate and help create your life's adventures. Thank you.”

As 2025 awakens, my wish for you is that you are surrounded by the riches of love, may you have a happy and peace-filled heart and may you enjoy the abundance of glowing health." 

With Gratitude

XO Diane